Why We Exist
Our Creation
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and Chief Executive Office created the Office of Child Protection (OCP) in February 2015 to improve communication, coordination, and accountability across agencies involved in the child protection network so that vulnerable children have a better chance of growing up safer and healthier.
The OCP’s mission is to lead a broad partnership that implements meaningful solutions to improve the lives of our children and families.
The OCP has built upon the work of the 2014 Board-adopted Blue Ribbon Commission on Child Protection’s final report that recommended several improvements to the County’s child protection network.
Our Approach
The OCP works to fulfill the Board’s charge of protecting children by collaborating with County agencies, the community, and other entities to identify problems affecting child protection and safety, and developing solutions that will improve how the system serves children and families.
Our Core Values
We do the right thing for our children and families, listening to their voices, and placing their needs at the center of our policies and actions.
Data-Driven Planning
We strategically use data to inform planning, activities and decision making.
Integrated Service Delivery
We facilitate inter-agency collaboration to ensure that County departments both work together and with other diverse stakeholders. Towards this end, joint planning and budgeting is a necessary part of this collaborative process.
Child Centered & Family Focused
We consider the impact of policy implementation through the eyes of our children and families, and are committed to supporting a continuum of care that is both preventative and provides long-term support.
We readily share information about our processes, activities, and decision making.
Community Engagement
We actively engage the community as real partners about the best ways to protect children and support their families in the cultural context of each community.
We seek to influence national, State and local policy decisions, program development, and resource allocation to promote continuous improvement of the child protection system and better child protection outcomes.
We constantly challenge ourselves and partners to advance best practices and seek new solutions for improving child protection, establishing Los Angeles County as a national model.