Provide children and families with the upfront supports and services they need to prevent them from entering the child welfare system, and/or limit their involvement with the system once they are known to it.
Early Prevention: Ensure that families are provided with an array of upfront supports within their own communities to minimize their chances of entering the child welfare system and maximize their chances of living healthy and stable lives.
Continuum of Care: Create a structure that promotes good communication and coordination of services across entities assisting children and families once they become known to the child protection system.
Work To Date
- Overview of the throughlines in the County's key prevention initiatives for child and family well-being, and OCP's role in strategic alignment and implementing community pathways to support for children and families
- Released Delinquency Prevention Recommendations for the County of Los Angeles
- Released a preliminary Countywide Prevention Metrics report
- Developed and now implementing a three-year prevention plan, Paving the Road to Safety for Our Children: A Prevention Plan for Los Angeles County
- Partnering with Department of Children and Family Services' (DCFS) Prevention & Aftercare community networks to expand and test various ways of providing support to families within their own communities
- Expanding access to home visitation and early care and education programs
- Released A Portrait of Los Angeles County report that partners and stakeholders are using in their planning efforts for targeting resources. Data from this report
is being added to the County's Open Data Portal.

Overview | Key County Prevention Initiatives: Child/Family Well-Being | OCP Role in Aligning/Implementing Community Pathways to Child/Family Support
Delinquency Prevention Recommendations for the County of Los Angeles (04-30-2021)
Countywide Prevention Metrics Preliminary Report (11-30-2020)
A Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis of the Los Angeles County Early Care and Education System (12-04-19)
Prevention Plan for LA County "Two Years In … " (September 2019)
Strengthening Our Networks: Key Takeaways from Stakeholders (05-14-19)
Early Care and Education Financial Landscape Analysis (11-29-2018)
180-Day Report-Back on Dual-Status Youth Motion (09-11-2018)
Board Memo and Report, Prevention Plan for LA County One Year Later Update (09-10-2018)
Strengthening Home Visiting in Los Angeles (07-2018)
Portrait of Los Angeles County (11-28-2017)
Board Memo for Portrait of Los Angeles County (11-28-2017)
Update on Maximizing and Expanding Home Visiting Services (DPH) (10-10-2017)
Paving the Road to Safety for Our Children (06-30-2017)
Board Memo for Paving the Road to Safety (06-30-2017)
Maximizing and Expanding Home Visiting Services (DPH) (06-21-2017)
BOS 5-Signature Letters Urging MIECHV Reauthorization to LAC Congressional Delegation (05-24-2017)